“[A] sly metafictional novel…Stamm’s earnest questions about the interplay between life and art and the value of biography are leavened by his caustic wit. Readers will be transfixed.” —Publishers Weekly
“A probing examination of deep feelings and lifelong relationships…Stamm’s novel will undoubtedly inspire readers to reflect on their lives as they progress through the illuminating pages.” —Booklist
“Odd, as ever, in a good way. Romantic, in an odd way. A warm coal of a story that, pleasingly, leaves the reader much to infer.” —Lionel Shriver, author of We Need to Talk About Kevin and Mania
“In his finest novel yet, Stamm grapples with the riches and risks of a life lived at the mercy of one’s art. As a character proclaims: ‘Once you’ve read a book, you’re never rid of it.’ Dear reader, In a Deep Blue Hour is a book you won’t want to be rid of, a book both birdhouse and bird, eggs in the head. A hatching, flapping achievement of the highest order.” —David James Poissant, author of Lake Life and The Heaven of Animals
Praise for Peter Stamm:
“Stamm’s prose (beautifully translated by Michael Hofmann) is plain but not so simple…A subtle but deadly style.” —Zadie Smith
“Peter Stamm is an extraordinary author who can make the ordinary absolutely electrifying…Hard to recommend too highly.” —Tim Parks
“A master writer…His prose…is as sharply illuminating as a surgical light.” —The Economist